Data Visualization – plot() function

This section will show how to visualize the data using the plot() function. Each example shows a specific task that demonstrates how to visualize the data.

Topics covered in this section are

  ➤ Basic Plot

  ➤ Plot Types

  ➤ Plot Arguments

  ➤ Global Graphics Parameters

  ➤ Aesthetics

  ➤ Annotation Functions

Data Visualization – plot() function

↪ Basic Plot: Data Frame Used

The data frame used for visualizing the data through various charts is below.

      stock <- read.csv('', header=T)
      stock10 <- stock[1:10,]

      ---Output---       - Date Close Volume No.of.trades       1 27-Feb-23 1083.95 1834553 74276       2 24-Feb-23 1094.85 1684570 50674       3 23-Feb-23 1094.35 2139983 77977       4 22-Feb-23 1092.60 2212194 118301       5 21-Feb-23 1105.20 1313278 61305       6 20-Feb-23 1115.70 1706036 68229       7 17-Feb-23 1109.55 1958807 72982       8 16-Feb-23 1128.15 2369355 111635       9 15-Feb-23 1132.90 1648954 50296       10 14-Feb-23 1125.45 3938046 93554

Data Visualization – plot() function

↪ Basic Plot: plot() function

The plot() function is a basic plotting function from the graphics package.

      plot(stock10)             # draws scatterplot matrix

Scatter Plot Matrix
In the example above, a data frame is passed into the plot() function. The plot(dataframe) calls the pairs() function, which will produce a scatter plot matrix. The scatter plot matrix shows the relationships between each pair of variables in the data frame.

The plot() function draws a scatter, line, histogram, or other basic plots depending on the type argument. Calling plot() draws a plot on the screen device. The basic syntax of the plot() function is below.

      plot(dataframe)           # A data frame is passed
      plot(x, y, ...)           # x and y coordinate vectors are passed

The character variables should be removed before passing the data frame to the plot() function.

Data Visualization – plot() function

↪ Basic Plot: Scatter Plot with two variables

Numerical columns from the frame can be passed as arguments to the plot() function.

      plot(stock10[,2:3])       # draws scatter plot with the variables column 2 and 3

Scatter Plot with two Variables

Data Visualization – plot() function

↪ Basic Plot: x coordinate

      Close_Price <- stock10$Close
      x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
      plot(x, Close_Price)

Scatter Plot with numerical x
In the example above, x and y coordinate vectors are passed to the plot() function. The x coordinate must be a numerical value or a factor. The type argument is optional and a scatter plot is drawn when the type argument is not specified.

Data Visualization - plot() function

↪ Basic Plot: Date Axis

The below example shows the plot where the x coordinate is a Date factor.

      Close_Price <- stock10$Close
      Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
      plot(Date, Close_Price)

Date as a factor

Data Visualization - plot() function

↪ Basic Plot: with() function

The with() function can also be used. The with() function evaluate an Expression in a Data Environment.

      with(stock10, plot(as.Date.factor(Date, "%d-%b-%y"),Close))

Scatter Plot drawn with with() function

Data Visualization - plot() function

↪ Plot Types

The type argument tells what plot type should be drawn. Possible types are

  • type=“p”: for points. This is a default type.
  • type=“l”: for lines
  • type=“b”: for both; points are connected by a line
  • type=“o”: for both ‘overplotted’;
  • type=“h”: for ‘histogram’ like vertical lines
  • type=“s”: for stair steps
  • type=“n”: for no plotting
  • Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Line Chart

    The type = "l" argument instructs plot() function to draw a line chart.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          plot(Date, Close_Price, type = "l")  # Note: type = "l" 
    Line Chart

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Plot Arguments

    Besides x and y coordinates and type arguments, plot() function accepts several graphical parameters. See Global Graphics Parameters section.

    For example, an argument frame.plot = FALSE to the plot() function removes the box around the plot.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          plot(Date, Close_Price, type = "l", frame.plot = FALSE) # Note: frame.plot = FALSE
    Plot Argument remove box

    Arguments of the plot() function are listed below.

  • main: an overall title for the plot
  • sub: subtitle for the plot
  • xlab: character string for the x-axis label
  • ylab: character string for the y-axis label
  • asp: y/x aspect ratio
  • frame.plot: a logical value indicating whether a box should be drawn around the plot
  • Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Global Graphics Parameters

    The par() function is used to set or specify the global graphics parameters that affect all plots in an R session. However, These parameters can be overridden when they are specified as arguments to specific plot() functions.

  • pch: the plotting symbol. the open circle is a default symbol
  • lty: the line type. the solid line is the default line type
  • lwd: the line width, specified as an integer multiple
  • col: the plotting color, specified as a number, string, or hex code. The colors() function gives a vector of colors by name
  • xlim: the x limits of the plot
  • ylim: the y limits of the plot
  • xaxt: "n" suppresses plotting of the x axis
  • yaxt: "n" suppresses plotting of the y axis
  • las: the orientation of the axis labels on the plot
  • bg: the background color of the device region
  • mar: the margin size
  • oma: the outer margin size. default is 0 for all sides
  • mfrow: number of plots per row, column (plots are filled row-wise)
  • mfcol: number of plots per row, column (plots are filled column-wise)
  • cex: a numerical vector giving the amount by which plotting characters and symbols should be scaled relative to the default.
  • Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Global Graphics Parameters

    For example, col = "red" argument changes plotting color to red.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          plot(Date, Close_Price, type = "l", col = "red")  # Note: col = "red"
    Graphics Parameter Color

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Aesthetics: Titles

    Add the chart title using main, and add the axis title using xlab, and ylab arguments as shown below.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close",   # Note: main, xlab, and ylab
               col.lab = "red", col.main = "red")
    Labels and Titles

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Aesthetics: Background

    Add background color to the plot using the par() function.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          par( bg = "grey")                    # Note: par() function
          plot(Date, Close_Price, type = "l", col = "red")
    background color to the plot

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Aesthetics: Suppressing the axis labels

    Suppressing plotting of the axis using xaxt and yaxt arguments.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          plot(Date,Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l",  
               pch=20, yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n" )              # Note: xaxt and yaxt
    Suppressing the axis labels

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Aesthetics: Fonts

    The font argument is an integer that specifies which font to use for text.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          plot(Date,Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l",  
               pch=20, font=4)     # Note: font=4, display the text in bold italic
    Rendering of the font is device-specific. When possible, the device drivers arrange so that
  • 1 corresponds to plain text (the default)
  • 2 corresponds to bold face
  • 3 corresponds to italic
  • 4 corresponds to bold italic
  • Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Aesthetics: Fonts Family

    The family argument is a name of a font family for drawing text.

          Close_Price <- stock10$Close
          Date <- as.Date.factor(stock10$Date, "%d-%b-%y")
          plot(Date,Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l",  
               pch=20, font=4, family="mono")      # Note: family="mono"
    Font Family

    This family name gets mapped by each graphics device to a device-specific font description. The default value is " " which means that the default device fonts will be used. Standard values are "serif", "sans" and "mono".

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Annotation functions

    Annotation functions are called to add to the already-made plot.

  • points() : to add points to a plot
  • axis() : to add axis ticks/labels
  • legend() : to add legends to plots
  • lines() : to add lines to a plot, given a vector of x values and a corresponding vector of y values (or a 2-column matrix); this function just connects the dots
  • text() : to add text labels to a plot using specified x, y coordinates
  • title() : to add annotations to x, y axis labels, title, subtitle, outer margin
  • mtext() : to add arbitrary text to the margins (inner or outer) of the plot
  • Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Adding points

    The points() is a generic function to draw a sequence of points at the specified coordinates.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, type = "l", ylim=c(1000,1200), col = "red")
          points(Date, Close_Price,  col = "blue")
    Adding Points
    Graphical parameters commonly used are pch, col, bg, cex, and lwd.

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Adding axis

    The axis() function adds an axis to the current plot, allowing the specification of the side, position, labels, and other options.

    Setting of ylim to change the y axis scaling.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, type = "l", ylim=c(1000,1200), col = "red")
          axis(2, col.axis = "red")    # Set y axis color to Red
    adding axis

    Changing axis labels direction using las graphical parameter.

          plot(Date,Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l",  pch=20, yaxt = "n" )
          axis(2, las=1,col.axis = "red")   # Note: las=1 flips y label horizontally
    axis labels direction
    las values are:
  • las = 0 means flip y label by 90 degrees. This is Default
  • las = 1 means flip y label horizontally
  • las = 2 means flip x label by 90 degrees
  • las = 3 means flip both x and y labels by 90 degrees
  • Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Legends

    The legend() function adds legends to plots.

    Adding legends

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", las=1, pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close", col = "red")
          legend("topright", "Close Price", pch = 20, col = "red")
    adds legends to the plot

    Removing the legend border

    An argument bty = "n" to legend() function removes the border to legend.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", las=1, pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close", col = "red")
          legend("topright", "Close Price",  fill = "red", bty = "n")
    border of the legend removed

    Adding the legend outside the plot area

    To do this, par(xpd=TRUE) needs to be set to enable text to be drawn outside the plot region. The inset(x, y) argument controls the location of the legend.

          par(xpd = TRUE)
          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", las=1, pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close", col = "red")
          legend("topright", "Close Price",  fill = "red", bty = "n",inset = c(0,-0.1))
    legend outside the plot area

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Line segments

    The lines() is a generic function taking given coordinates and joining the corresponding points with line segments.

    Adding line segments

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="p", las=1, pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close")
          lines(Date, Close_Price, col = "red")
    adding line segments

    LOWESS smoother

    Above lines function connects dots on the scatter plot. The stats::lowess() function performs the computations for the LOWESS (Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing) smoother which uses locally-weighted polynomial regression or moving regression.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="p", las=1, pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close")
          lines(stats::lowess(Date, Close_Price), col = "red")
    adding line segments

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Plot Text

    The text() function draws the strings given in the vector labels at the coordinates x and y.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="p", las=1, pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close")
          text(Date[5],1000, labels = "February Stock Information", col = "red")
    adding text

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Plot Titles

    The title() function can be used for adding the main title, sub-title, x axis label, y axis label, and other graphical parameters.

    Recap that the plot arguments main, xlab, and ylab used for adding title, x axis title, and y axis title.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", pch=20, 
               main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close", 
               col.lab = "red", col.main = "red")

    The above plot can be rewritten separating title() from the plot()

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", pch=20, xlab = "", ylab = "")
          title(main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close", 
                col.lab = "red", col.main = "red")
    adding text

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Writing text into the margins of a plot

    The mtext() function allows adding arbitrary text in the plot. The text is written in one of the four margins of the current figure region or one of the outer margins of the device region.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", pch=20, xlab = "", ylab = "")
          title(main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close")
          mtext("Sliding Stock Price in February", side = 3, col = "red")  # side = 3 prints text at top
    mtext prints text at top
    Values of the side arguments are:
  • side = 1, text printed at bottom
  • side = 2, text printed at left
  • side = 3, text printed at top
  • side = 4, text printed at right
  • The line argument allows the text to be printed inside the frame.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", pch=20, xlab = "", ylab = "")
          title(main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close")
          mtext("Sliding Stock Price in February", side = 3, col = "red", line = -2)  # Note: line = -2
    mtext printed inside the frame

    The argument side = 4 to line() function prints text on the right margin.

          plot(Date, Close_Price, ylim=c(1000,1200), type="l", pch=20, xlab = "", ylab = "")
          title(main="Stock Trend", xlab="Date", ylab="Close")
          mtext("Sliding Stock Price in February", side = 4, col = "red")  # Note: side = 4
    mtext on right margin

    Data Visualization - plot() function

    ↪ Summary

  • Visualizing the data using a basic R plot consists of the plot() function, arguments, and annotation functions.
  • The plot() function draws a scatter, line, histogram, or other basic plots depending on the type argument.
  • The x coordinate of the plot() must be a numerical value or a factor.
  • The par() function sets or specifies the global graphics parameters that affect all plots in an R session.
  • The plot() arguments allow setting basic aesthetics such as the color of the title, box, font, etc.
  • The annotation functions are applied to the plot already created to improve aesthetics.
  • Common annotation functions are points(), lines(), axis(), legend(), title(), text(), and mtext().